Camp Henry Horner
Staff Reunion Site

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More than 50 former Camp Henry Horner staffers, plus their friends and their families, gathered at the camp on Saturday, June 7, 2003 for a full day of activity and nostalgia. By all accounts, the entire weekend was a smashing success. Friday’s social at The Cubby Bear North was attended by approximately 30 former counselors and staff. On Saturday, the day began with most people touring the grounds and taking in the atmosphere at the waterfront. Lunch was followed by many families cooling off in the pool, as others continued to arrive. Arts & crafts gave the kids a chance to make unique t-shirts. After dinner, David Kahn’s scavenger hunt kept everyone busy (click here to download it) until the campfire was lit at the waterfront and an authentic sing-along broke out. Helping the kids make smores was a fitting ending to a perfect day at camp.

Here are some photos from Friday and Saturday. If you have more to add, send them along and we’ll put them here for all to enjoy.

Click to enlargeWe’d like to encourage you again to consider helping out the good people who continue our work at Camp Henry Horner. If you feel moved to do so, just contact the camp’s director at 847-740-5014.

We’ll continue to update and maintain this web site as long as there’s an interest in it. In fact, people gave us more vintage photos at the reunion to add. Will there be another reunion? We sure hope so. The times we had together at Camp Henry Horner were way too important to forget.

What else can we say? The weather was perfect, the Henry Horner staff was terrific, JCYS was the most gracious host ever, and all of you made us feel like heroes. All we did was track you down across 48 states and invite you to something you always hoped would take place. Watching you and your families have a good time was the biggest reward. Thank you for making this such a success. We hope to see you again soon!


Mark Thompson (
Marc Farinella
( )

The links below will guide you through the information we gathered to make this a fun and successful reunion. (If you’ve got anything saved that would be fun to add to this website, contact or and we’ll make arrangements to get your stuff onto the site.)
