Below is a list of the people who have stopped by this site and signed in. If youd like to be added to this list, click here for the sign-in form. * We’ve talked to many others by phone; click here to see who.
Most recent additions:
Name | Email Address | Year(s) at Camp |
George Frederick | | 1976 |
Message on April 26, 2005: It was a great summer. I still remember it so vividly. Especially the kids! |
Eric Sachs | | Camper 75-80, CIT 80-81?? |
Message on May 29, 2005: Hi from downtown Tokyo! I just stumbled on this site and found myself in the panorama photos from 77-79. Man, great memories!! |
Adam Sachs | | 1974,1975,1976,1977 |
Message on May 29, 2005: I was a camper for 4 years alnog with my brothers Eric and Danny. Would love to go to a reunion. |
Elaine (Clapman) Spellman-Cusimano | | camper between 1977-1980 |
Message on May 31, 2005: I was a camper there from 1977 through fact, I met my ex husband there..and one of my best friends. Diver Dan pushed me in the lake to teach me how to swim!! GREAT memories!!! When will there be a camper's reunion??? |
Luke Robertson | | 1978-1981 |
Message on Jun 08, 2005: Sending you my new e-mail address. Please keep in touch! |
Karen Osher | | 1981-1982 |
Message on Jul 01, 2005: Me and my twin sister Debbie both attended. GREAT GREAT MEMORIES! Let's see, I remember fellow campers Marlon, Toby, Atiba, Nicole, Julie, and counselors Jill, Raylynn,,,,I'm sure there are others! |
Kim Savage | | 1970 to 1976 |
Message on Nov 16, 2005: I was a camper for like, maybe 5-6 years straight. God ,I wish I had known about this reunion!!!!!!!!!!! I've wanted to see old friends forever!!!! How can it happen again???!!!!!!!!!!!!! call me or write 773-440-0279 cell or 773-651-7618 home |
steve pernicone | | camper '71 to '75 |
Message on Nov 23, 2005: great to see the camp is still providing fun for the next generation! |
Paula (Knopp) Kaisner | | 1988 1989 1990 |
Message on Nov 28, 2005: If you have another reunion I'd be interested in being notified |
Rich Jasinski | | 1979-1983 |
Message on Dec 22, 2005: Some of my best childhood memories are my years at camp. |
Marcos Fernandez | | 1977-78, 1980-81 |
Message on Jan 16, 2006: New e-mail address since I am up in central Pennsylvania now. |
Rick Florsheim | | 72 and 73 |
Message on Mar 30, 2006: Wonderful memories of wonderful times |
Lisa (Jacobson) Maddox | | res. camper 74-78 |
Message on Jul 21, 2006: Stumbled onto this site & recognized so many names....brought back some great memories. There should be a camper reunion!!! |
Marc Harrison | | 1975-1979?? |
Message on Aug 22, 2006: Diver Dan..Bean Song..Racoon Dinners...Bug Juice...and NO SOAP RADIO!!! |
Victor Lichtenberg | | 1974 |
Message on Sep 08, 2006: I was part of the waterfront staff with Diver Dan , Darcy Fazio and Chris Cross, I wish I knew about the reunion, that was one of my favorite memories , summer of 74. I have a couple of photos from the water activities to post. Thanks |
Tobias "Toby" Bloom | | 1979 - 1983 |
Message on Oct 26, 2006: Going to camp was some of the best times in my childhood! |
Complete alphabetical list: (note that since this list was started in 2002, some of the email addresses may be out of date – please feel free to let us know if your email changes.)
Name | Email Address | Year(s) at Camp |
Ira Abrams (Abramowitz) | 1975-1977 | |
Message: I look forward to seeing everyone. |
Toby Adamson | 1979 | |
Message: Barely remember, but the picture is stirring a few memories |
Gary Auslander | 1970-1976 thereabouts | |
Message: |
Eric Baars | 1990 | |
Message: I'd like to have contact with old counselors from 1990 |
David Hahn-Baker | 75-78 | |
Message: This is a great chance to get back that $10 I loaned you in 77. |
Lorraine (Hoben) Balesh | 1977 - 1980 | |
Message: David Baker - Can you do me a favor? Has anyone seen or heard from Dede? |
Lynn Barker (Finnegan) | 1973, 1974 | |
Message: |
Jacqui (Steen) Barrientos | j | 71-78? |
Message: Memories........... |
Ginger (Brysiewicz) Benning | 79, 80, and 81 | |
Message: I can't believe Carolyn is still there after all these years! |
Ann (Dickinson) Biala | 1978-1985 | |
Message: I hope someone knows where Kurt is. (No one messes with my bus.) |
David Blum | 79,80 | |
Message: The kids so-so, but the chicks were great. How about that crazy bus driver !!! |
Debbie Blum (Skach) | 79, 80 & 81 (I think) | |
Message: Wow, what a blast. Looking at the Group photo's was Soooo fun! |
Sherri Blum-Esenberg | 1979-1981(I think) | |
Message: This is really great! It would be lots of fun to see everyone!!!! |
Shirley Mullally Bray | 1978-1981 | |
Message: |
Nancy (Stearns) Burgess | 1976, 1977 & 1978 | |
Message: Hi! Deb called me about the reunion. Loved the photo update! Time marches on... |
Sheila Cadigan | 1977 | |
Message: |
Rick Carpenter | 1975-1985? | |
Message: Wow, this sure brings back the memories. I'm really looking forward to seeing you all again. |
Christina Cybulski Century | , | 1971-1986 |
Message: I have lots of pictures |
Ken Copelly | coming soon | 1973 - 81 |
Message: Wow. This sounds like fun. |
Michael Cohen | 1982-1985 | |
Message: I was a camper from 1976-1980 and then a counselor. Camp was the greatest! |
Beth Rebmann DeWitt | 1976 | |
Message: Mark Thompson even found me!!!! |
Diver | 74---81 | |
Message: still alive and kicking (although not quite as hard) -- and still "going to camp" |
Mike Eldridge | not yet | 1970's 1980's ? |
Message: Hi from Black Bear Food & Spirit, in White Lake Wisconsin. Do I have to cook at the reunion? Chris & me are looking forward to seeing all of you. |
Matthew "Otter" Ellmann | 1979 - 1982 | |
Message: Summers at Camp Henry Horner forever holds a special place in my heart |
Sara Friedman | cannot remember 1980? | |
Message: |
Marc Farinella | 1972-1982 | |
Message: What if I still have my camp T-shirts? Do I have to buy the new one? |
Darcy Fazio | 1972, 1974, 1975 | |
Message: How did the trees get so big at the waterfront? |
Jim and Gwynne French | , | 1976-77 |
Message: We're looking forward to being at the reunion! |
Ruthann Fortino | '77-'78? | |
Message: I remember my days at CHH like it was yesterday! GREAT memories, can't wait! |
Michael C. Greer | 1978-79(?) | |
Message: Great reunion photos-sorry I missed it! 22 years and counting (USAF), living with Wifey in Belgium. Diver-thanks for the postcard. |
Looie Green | 61,63-66 | |
Message: Some of the best years ever! |
Jeanmare(Donovan)Hartung | 1975 1976 | |
Message: |
Scott "Scooter" Hershinow | worked in 80, camped 73-79 | |
Message: A year doesn't go by without recalling camp. What great memories! Can hardly wait until next summer. |
Cathy (Shekleton) Hickey | 79 & 80 | |
Message: Anyone from residential camp out there? |
Cathy Jaeger | '72-74 & 76-78??? | |
Message: Do they offer a seniors camp yet??? |
Mark Johnson | 1980-84? | |
Message: |
Chris Jungheim | 1980, 1981 | |
Message: If somebody plays "It's A Small World After All" on camp loudspeaker again, I'll scream! |
David Kahn | 1979-80 | |
Message: day camper 1974; residential camper 1975-78; day camp counseler 1979; kitchen staff 1980 |
Steve Karb | 77-79 | |
Message: Camp has a warm place in my heart. Dan Farinella was like having an extra dad for the summer |
Chris Kelsey | 1978-79 ? | |
Message: I remember riding on the bus to camp every morning with all those kids just singing and having a great time. Boy were those the days! |
Keith Kelsey | 1976-1978 | |
Message: Hello All |
Susan (Stein) Koehler | '75-'79? | |
Message: |
Barry Krasner | 1978 - 1980 | |
Message: |
Debbie Good-Krochock | 1978 | |
Message: I remember teaching the John Travolta dance to "Stayin' Alive" to the Tween campers. Long live 70's disco! |
Renee (Siebert) La Bud | 79-80ish | |
Message: These pics are hysterical! Thanks Aunt Carolyn for the heads-up! |
Jeffrey LaCosse | 1978 | |
Message: |
Michelle (Klein) Lauter | 1979 & 1985 | |
Message: |
Jill Silverman Linden | 1974 | |
Message: Oh....My....God |
KEITH LITTLE | 1969-1971 | |
Tammy Ludvik (Phillips) | 77/78 ? | |
Message: I was a camper I think 77,78,79? Hard to remember/ But what Great memories, I saw the pictures of the reunion, and noticed a familiar face DAN DENOV that face I can never forget, but I can not recall what he did? |
Debbie Littmann Marchok | 1976-1981 | |
Message: I'm still singing those same camp songs! Looking forward to building a new repertoire at the reunion! |
Susan "Tomato" (Levinson.) Margolis | you tell me, need ginko biloba | |
Message: It was a nice surprise to hear from Jacqui. I will look for pix. Look forward to hearing from you. |
Larry McBride | 78-79 | |
Message: |
Rozane Bey-McCurdy | 74-75 | |
Message: In retrospect - some of the happiest years of my life. |
Alan Merricks | 1975 | |
Message: Hi everyone from 75-I was that year's English Counsellor. Anyone please get in touch |
Sally Erickson Meyer | 1976 | |
Message: |
Jeanne Mullally-Lewandowski | 1981 | |
Message: |
Roger Nehls | 81, 82, 83 | |
Message: Roger Nehls camp counselor here. Hello to all. I LOVED being at camp. Anyone remmeber me singing Annie? Well, I'm still singing Annie, I'm doing the musical right now with my daughters 11 and 13. |
Gay H. Norton | 1980 | |
Message: Think it's great that there is a reunion - know it's a big undertaking - sorry I can't make it. |
DENISE PARKER | 1979 | |
Message: |
Luke (formerly David) Robertson | 1978 - 1982 | |
Message: Good memories . . . |
Dave Rochman | 1972 & 1973 | |
Message: |
Michael Weil (Now Rosenthal) | Prior to 1978 | |
Message: Can't attend reunion - put me on mailing list |
Mark Ross | Early 80's | |
Message: My wife Holly, son Blake and I are living in Austin , Texas and may not make it back for the reunion. We wish everyone well! This web site brings back quite a few fond memories! |
Colleen Cagney Shapleigh | Summer of "79 | |
Message: I remember trail mix;mixing baby oil, crisco, iodine and NO SUNSCREEN! Halloween in July; Transvestite party???????(have a picture to prove that one) |
Vicki (Klamm) Seglin | 1977 and 1978 | |
Message: This is a wonderful idea! I was a supervisor the counselors of the younger kids in the day camp. I've maintained some important relationships from that time, and I'd love to re-connect with others I've lost touch with. |
Carolyn Siebert | 1975-2002 | |
Message: Hey guys. I'm still here! |
Diane (Bellei) Smith | 1977-78 or 79 | |
Message: |
Joseph Squier | 77-78 | |
Message: i stumbled on this by accident, and have a lump in my throat. anyone have e-mail for claire or mary dougherty? |
Bob Stein | 1972-1979? | |
Message: |
Pam Smith Stern | 1977-1978 | |
Message: who remembers pool hopping the last week of camp? |
Victoria Scott- Swirin | 1981-1983 | |
Message: it's a small world after all. Is it time for Pre season already? I have pictures. |
Jeanne Estacion-Szarek | 1979-1980 | |
Message: work as counselor then as Water Front Director |
M. Randolph Thompson | 1979 | |
Message: Man what memories of a "long summer". My help got chased out of "dodge". Anybody remember that? |
Mark Thompson | 1976-1981 | |
Message: I can't wait to see all of you again at the reunion! |
Julie Ross Townsend | 1978 | |
Message: I spent a lot of happy summers at Camp Henry Horner as camper and staff member. Thanks for putting this web site together ! |
Cathie Westcot | 1981 | |
Message: What a rush! I cant wait to see everyone! |
Ila (Brownfield) Ziemba | 78-81? | |
Message: Brings back great memories, looking forward to the reunion!! |