Camp Henry Horner
Staff Reunion Site

Below is a list of the people who have stopped by this site and signed in. If you’d like to be added to this list, click here for the sign-in form. * We’ve talked to many others by phone; click here to see who.

Most recent additions:

Name Email Address Year(s) at Camp

George Frederick 1976
Message on April 26, 2005:   It was a great summer. I still remember it so vividly. Especially the kids!

Eric Sachs Camper 75-80, CIT 80-81??
Message on May 29, 2005:  Hi from downtown Tokyo! I just stumbled on this site and found myself in the panorama photos from 77-79. Man, great memories!!

Adam Sachs 1974,1975,1976,1977
Message on May 29, 2005:  I was a camper for 4 years alnog with my brothers Eric and Danny. Would love to go to a reunion.

Elaine (Clapman) Spellman-Cusimano camper between 1977-1980
Message on May 31, 2005:  I was a camper there from 1977 through fact, I met my ex husband there..and one of my best friends. Diver Dan pushed me in the lake to teach me how to swim!! GREAT memories!!! When will there be a camper's reunion???

Luke Robertson 1978-1981
Message on Jun 08, 2005:  Sending you my new e-mail address. Please keep in touch!

Karen Osher 1981-1982
Message on Jul 01, 2005:  Me and my twin sister Debbie both attended. GREAT GREAT MEMORIES! Let's see, I remember fellow campers Marlon, Toby, Atiba, Nicole, Julie, and counselors Jill, Raylynn,,,,I'm sure there are others!

Kim Savage 1970 to 1976
Message on Nov 16, 2005:  I was a camper for like, maybe 5-6 years straight. God ,I wish I had known about this reunion!!!!!!!!!!! I've wanted to see old friends forever!!!! How can it happen again???!!!!!!!!!!!!! call me or write 773-440-0279 cell or 773-651-7618 home

steve pernicone camper '71 to '75
Message on Nov 23, 2005:  great to see the camp is still providing fun for the next generation!

Paula (Knopp) Kaisner 1988 1989 1990
Message on Nov 28, 2005:  If you have another reunion I'd be interested in being notified

Rich Jasinski 1979-1983
Message on Dec 22, 2005:  Some of my best childhood memories are my years at camp.

Marcos Fernandez 1977-78, 1980-81
Message on Jan 16, 2006:  New e-mail address since I am up in central Pennsylvania now.

Rick Florsheim 72 and 73
Message on Mar 30, 2006:  Wonderful memories of wonderful times

Lisa (Jacobson) Maddox res. camper 74-78
Message on Jul 21, 2006:  Stumbled onto this site & recognized so many names....brought back some great memories. There should be a camper reunion!!!

Marc Harrison 1975-1979??
Message on Aug 22, 2006:  Diver Dan..Bean Song..Racoon Dinners...Bug Juice...and NO SOAP RADIO!!!

Victor Lichtenberg 1974
Message on Sep 08, 2006:  I was part of the waterfront staff with Diver Dan , Darcy Fazio and Chris Cross, I wish I knew about the reunion, that was one of my favorite memories , summer of 74. I have a couple of photos from the water activities to post. Thanks

Tobias "Toby" Bloom 1979 - 1983
Message on Oct 26, 2006: Going to camp was some of the best times in my childhood!

Complete alphabetical list: (note that since this list was started in 2002, some of the email addresses may be out of date – please feel free to let us know if your email changes.)

Name Email Address Year(s) at Camp

Ira Abrams (Abramowitz) 1975-1977
Message: I look forward to seeing everyone.

Toby Adamson 1979
Message: Barely remember, but the picture is stirring a few memories

Gary Auslander 1970-1976 thereabouts

Eric Baars 1990
Message: I'd like to have contact with old counselors from 1990

David Hahn-Baker 75-78
Message: This is a great chance to get back that $10 I loaned you in 77.

Lorraine (Hoben) Balesh 1977 - 1980
Message: David Baker - Can you do me a favor? Has anyone seen or heard from Dede?

Lynn Barker (Finnegan) 1973, 1974

Jacqui (Steen) Barrientos j 71-78?
Message: Memories...........

Ginger (Brysiewicz) Benning 79, 80, and 81
Message: I can't believe Carolyn is still there after all these years!

Ann (Dickinson) Biala 1978-1985
Message: I hope someone knows where Kurt is. (No one messes with my bus.)

David Blum 79,80
Message: The kids so-so, but the chicks were great. How about that crazy bus driver !!!

Debbie Blum (Skach) 79, 80 & 81 (I think)
Message: Wow, what a blast. Looking at the Group photo's was Soooo fun!

Sherri Blum-Esenberg 1979-1981(I think)
Message: This is really great! It would be lots of fun to see everyone!!!!

Shirley Mullally Bray 1978-1981

Nancy (Stearns) Burgess 1976, 1977 & 1978
Message: Hi! Deb called me about the reunion. Loved the photo update! Time marches on...

Sheila Cadigan 1977

Rick Carpenter 1975-1985?
Message: Wow, this sure brings back the memories. I'm really looking forward to seeing you all again.

Christina Cybulski Century , 1971-1986
Message: I have lots of pictures

Ken Copelly coming soon 1973 - 81
Message: Wow. This sounds like fun.

Michael Cohen 1982-1985
Message: I was a camper from 1976-1980 and then a counselor. Camp was the greatest!

Beth Rebmann DeWitt 1976
Message: Mark Thompson even found me!!!!

Diver 74---81
Message: still alive and kicking (although not quite as hard) -- and still "going to camp"

Mike Eldridge not yet 1970's 1980's ?
Message: Hi from Black Bear Food & Spirit, in White Lake Wisconsin. Do I have to cook at the reunion? Chris & me are looking forward to seeing all of you.

Matthew "Otter" Ellmann 1979 - 1982
Message: Summers at Camp Henry Horner forever holds a special place in my heart

Sara Friedman cannot remember 1980?

Marc Farinella 1972-1982
Message: What if I still have my camp T-shirts? Do I have to buy the new one?

Darcy Fazio 1972, 1974, 1975
Message: How did the trees get so big at the waterfront?

Jim and Gwynne French , 1976-77
Message: We're looking forward to being at the reunion!

Ruthann Fortino '77-'78?
Message: I remember my days at CHH like it was yesterday! GREAT memories, can't wait!

Michael C. Greer 1978-79(?)
Message: Great reunion photos-sorry I missed it! 22 years and counting (USAF), living with Wifey in Belgium. Diver-thanks for the postcard.

Looie Green 61,63-66
Message: Some of the best years ever!

Jeanmare(Donovan)Hartung 1975 1976

Scott "Scooter" Hershinow worked in 80, camped 73-79
Message: A year doesn't go by without recalling camp. What great memories! Can hardly wait until next summer.

Cathy (Shekleton) Hickey 79 & 80
Message: Anyone from residential camp out there?

Cathy Jaeger '72-74 & 76-78???
Message: Do they offer a seniors camp yet???

Mark Johnson 1980-84?

Chris Jungheim 1980, 1981
Message: If somebody plays "It's A Small World After All" on camp loudspeaker again, I'll scream!

David Kahn 1979-80
Message: day camper 1974; residential camper 1975-78; day camp counseler 1979; kitchen staff 1980

Steve Karb 77-79
Message: Camp has a warm place in my heart. Dan Farinella was like having an extra dad for the summer

Chris Kelsey 1978-79 ?
Message: I remember riding on the bus to camp every morning with all those kids just singing and having a great time. Boy were those the days!

Keith Kelsey 1976-1978
Message: Hello All

Susan (Stein) Koehler '75-'79?

Barry Krasner 1978 - 1980

Debbie Good-Krochock 1978
Message: I remember teaching the John Travolta dance to "Stayin' Alive" to the Tween campers. Long live 70's disco!

Renee (Siebert) La Bud 79-80ish
Message: These pics are hysterical! Thanks Aunt Carolyn for the heads-up!

Jeffrey LaCosse 1978

Michelle (Klein) Lauter 1979 & 1985

Jill Silverman Linden 1974
Message: Oh....My....God

KEITH LITTLE 1969-1971

Tammy Ludvik (Phillips) 77/78 ?
Message: I was a camper I think 77,78,79? Hard to remember/ But what Great memories, I saw the pictures of the reunion, and noticed a familiar face DAN DENOV that face I can never forget, but I can not recall what he did?

Debbie Littmann Marchok 1976-1981
Message: I'm still singing those same camp songs! Looking forward to building a new repertoire at the reunion!

Susan "Tomato" (Levinson.) Margolis you tell me, need ginko biloba
Message: It was a nice surprise to hear from Jacqui. I will look for pix. Look forward to hearing from you.

Larry McBride 78-79

Rozane Bey-McCurdy 74-75
Message: In retrospect - some of the happiest years of my life.

Alan Merricks 1975
Message: Hi everyone from 75-I was that year's English Counsellor. Anyone please get in touch

Sally Erickson Meyer 1976

Jeanne Mullally-Lewandowski 1981

Roger Nehls 81, 82, 83
Message: Roger Nehls camp counselor here. Hello to all. I LOVED being at camp. Anyone remmeber me singing Annie? Well, I'm still singing Annie, I'm doing the musical right now with my daughters 11 and 13.

Gay H. Norton 1980
Message: Think it's great that there is a reunion - know it's a big undertaking - sorry I can't make it.


Luke (formerly David) Robertson 1978 - 1982
Message: Good memories . . .

Dave Rochman 1972 & 1973

Michael Weil (Now Rosenthal) Prior to 1978
Message: Can't attend reunion - put me on mailing list

Mark Ross Early 80's
Message: My wife Holly, son Blake and I are living in Austin , Texas and may not make it back for the reunion. We wish everyone well! This web site brings back quite a few fond memories!

Colleen Cagney Shapleigh Summer of "79
Message: I remember trail mix;mixing baby oil, crisco, iodine and NO SUNSCREEN! Halloween in July; Transvestite party???????(have a picture to prove that one)

Vicki (Klamm) Seglin 1977 and 1978
Message: This is a wonderful idea! I was a supervisor the counselors of the younger kids in the day camp. I've maintained some important relationships from that time, and I'd love to re-connect with others I've lost touch with.

Carolyn Siebert 1975-2002
Message: Hey guys. I'm still here!

Diane (Bellei) Smith 1977-78 or 79

Joseph Squier 77-78
Message: i stumbled on this by accident, and have a lump in my throat. anyone have e-mail for claire or mary dougherty?

Bob Stein 1972-1979?

Pam Smith Stern 1977-1978
Message: who remembers pool hopping the last week of camp?

Victoria Scott- Swirin 1981-1983
Message: it's a small world after all. Is it time for Pre season already? I have pictures.

Jeanne Estacion-Szarek 1979-1980
Message: work as counselor then as Water Front Director

M. Randolph Thompson 1979
Message: Man what memories of a "long summer". My help got chased out of "dodge". Anybody remember that?

Mark Thompson 1976-1981
Message: I can't wait to see all of you again at the reunion!

Julie Ross Townsend 1978
Message: I spent a lot of happy summers at Camp Henry Horner as camper and staff member. Thanks for putting this web site together !

Cathie Westcot 1981
Message: What a rush! I cant wait to see everyone!

Ila (Brownfield) Ziemba 78-81?
Message: Brings back great memories, looking forward to the reunion!!
